Daniel Fast Day 6- Fishing

  • Breakfast- apricot breakfast bar and orange
  • Lunch- veggie pasta and cherry tomatoes w/basil
  • Dinner- lentil stew
  • Snacks- cashews, dates and walnuts, brown rice cake w/almond butter

“And he saith unto them, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”

Matthew 4:19 KJV

I had a surprising opportunity to tell someone about my relationship today. I guess God had been laying the groundwork for several months now. A co-worker and I often end up on tasks together. This has led to great conversations about our personal lives and lessons we’ve learned. Though I never say the words, “I’m saved,” it is a known fact on my job and with my clients. However, the extent and craziness of my relationship is not fully known until I talk about it. This morning gave me a chance to do so.

We were casually talking about my acting goals and auditions. I told him how my choices are dictated by what God tells me. I wish I could remember how the conversation got to my relationship. I just remember talking about how much I loved Him and my co-worker smiling as he said, “You’re like a school girl!”

The Revamp Worked!

We laughed and talked more about deeper concepts like spirit vs body and the miracle of musical talents. Here’s where God’s revamp came in handy. I shared a program with him that I saw on Hillsong last night. It highlighted a singer who was born tone deaf but was miraculously healed. She now sings all over the world. My co-worker was intrigued.

Time did not permit us to go in depth but something happened this morning. A seed was planted. Maybe God had been tilling the soil over the last few months of conversations with this co-worker. I don’t know. I do know I’m grateful for watching that program called The Story on the Hillsong network last night. If not for the fast, I would have been watching a useless episode of streaming television. Instead, a Christian program turned into great fishing bait.

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