Daniel Fast Day 14- Kirk Franklin’s Love Theory

Menu- roasted breakfast potatoes, blackberry spinach salad, pasta & tomatoes

I always tell people my relationship is a little different from the average Christian. It goes beyond church, reading the Bible and even this Daniel Fast. All of those things are fueled by the fact that I am completely, totally, madly in love Jesus. Yes, I got saved a few days before I turned 11 years old. But, I didn’t really start getting to know him until I was 17. Two years later, I was head over heels in love. It has been a wild and amazing ride.

I grew up on Gospel music but I cannot say it always provided a soundtrack to my relationship with God. There have been a few songs that came close to my feelings for him. BeBe & CeCe Winans’ Addictive Love is a beautiful example. However, I found that most Gospel artists, as most Christians, seemed to be focused on what they wanted God to do for them. The lyrics spoke of this powerful, way-making God. He is. But for me, he’s that and so much more.

Then, Kirk Franklin came out with Fight of My Life. I purchased the CD and was in tears for almost half of the album. The lyrics were brutally honest about what a relationship with God was like. It spoke about the hurt that one can experience when the love of your life lets you down. It also told how that same love was life-changing and unshakable. I was officially a Kirk Franklin fan.

My purchased MP3

Yesterday, Kirk Franklin came out with a new single. I was hesitant at first. I am very particular about what music I am willing to spend my money on. I only buy what I think I will listen to, for life. Though I’m a fan, a few of Kirk Franklin’s projects have not been appealing to me. I decided to check out his video release. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised!
There is finally a song that captures the love I have for the God I serve.

Love Theory is a beat-infused love song filled with adoring lyrics and production that is (dare I say) sexy. I found myself snapping my fingers, bopping my head and closing my eyes as I danced with my Savior.

Yes, I dance with him.

As I stated, my relationship with God is very different. He is not just a being in the sky. He is very real. He is tangible. I wish I could articulate what I’ve discovered about his nature. It is what makes me love him so much. As I learn more, I love him more. I identify with the bridge lyrics from Love Theory.

Loving you will be the death of me. That’s how it’s supposed to be. More of you, less of me.

Kirk Franklin

The last line has actually been the theme verse of this Daniel Fast. It is what I desire from God for me and my career. It is my prayer.

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

John 3:30
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