Daniel Fast Day 9- New Goals

Menu- apricot breakfast bar, brown rice cake with almond butter & raisins, roasted plantain chips, cashews, minestrone soup

Sunday Re-cap

Yesterday, I woke up with a new resolve! The rest of this fast will be about me and him. I went back to some pre-fast notes I had taken and saw that I had totally strayed away from what I said this fast would be about.

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

John 3:30 KJV

If I wanted to experience God’s presence daily, I would have to decrease, which is the whole purpose of fasting!

I got ready for church and to teach Sunday morning. I kept hearing the words ‘God’s glory’ in my head. I heard songs about it. I saw scriptures about it. That’s it! I wanted to be completely saturated in his glory. I would seek out ways to encounter his presence.


Today was spent at home due to wash day. (Naturalistas know this day all too well. I’m hoping for a good twist out.) I watched a lot of Word and worship. I noticed the running theme of what I watched seemed to be centered around prayer.
“OK God,” I said. “Let’s talk about it.”
So he sent me to a not so recent installment of In Touch Ministries by Charles Stanley. Wouldn’t you know it? The title was “The Prayer Life of Jesus.” I watched and took notes. Then turned it off to talk with God about today.

He explained that one of the jobs he allowed me to have was to actually increase my prayer life. If I can get up at 4, 5 and sometimes 3:00 in the morning to go to a job I hate, why couldn’t I get up to spend time with the God I love? If I’m trying to be like Jesus, why wouldn’t I emulate the most important aspect of his daily life on Earth?

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed..”

Mark 1:35 NIV

This fast is going to change and increase my prayer life. I will make adjustments to my sleep habits to ensure that I start my day with the one who gave it to me. Like I said in Day 7, I have to make the time because you make time for the one you love!