How I Overcame Church Scandals

Greater Salem Church Charlotte

I like to say that I am ‘denominationaly diverse.’ I was born into a Pentecostal Holiness church to which my Grandmother was an evangelist. The 6 hour services were enough to make my mother change churches as soon as my Grandmother died. We joined an A.M.E Zion church with services that were half the time but still provided the lively worship we were accustomed to. When I became an adult, I joined a church that was transitioning from Baptist to non-denominational. All of these churches have two things in common. First, each of these ministries played vitally important roles in my spiritual growth. The impact of the wonderful teaching I received cannot be measured. Secondly, all three were large, well known ministries that became victims of horrible public scandals.

I have seen my leaders imprisoned for sexual abuse, drug possession and tax evasion. I have been torn between my love for them and my disgust for them in knowing that their sentence was justified. I have felt the horrible pit in my stomach when I had to answer the question, “What church do you go to?” I have seen the disparaging looks when I gave my answer.

“not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another…” Hebrews 10:25 NIV

Church membership can be a complex issue. Thankfully, I had a mother who made it simple by teaching me real lessons about joining a ministry. She did not leave the 6 hour services at my Grandmother’s church because they were too long. She left because in those 6 hours, she was not being fed. Her spirit, as well as her daughter’s, was being malnourished. Therefore, we had to go.

“So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.” Matthew 23:3 NIV

I believe the most important lesson she taught me about joining a ministry is understanding the difference between the messenger and the Message. The messenger is human. The Message is divine. The messenger can change. The Message never changes. The messenger is always flawed. The Message is always healing. The messenger is man and he or she can fail. The Message is the Gospel…and the Gospel will never fail.

That lesson is what has kept me during turbulent times of church membership. It has made me study the Bible for myself. It has ensured that my spiritual foundation is built on my relationship with God and not my relationship with whoever stands at the pulpit. Both of my adult memberships have been a result of God drawing me to the ministry. He may have used a great preacher or a beautiful choir to draw me, but they were not the reason I joined the church. I joined because my spirit had found a home.

I am proud to say I was a member of Abundant Life Tabernacle in Charleston, SC and Greater Salem Church in Charlotte, NC. God used both pastors and ministries to teach me about giving, order, vision and excellence. Today, I am a member of an awesome ministry in California. I am growing exponentially in faith, trust, discipleship and so many other areas. There are no scandals to report…Thank God! Though, if there were, I would not leave until God gave the release.

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22 KJV

Do not allow man’s issues to deter you from the place God has created to nurture your spirit. Yes, church membership can be murky but God is the original Mr. Clean.