How do you celebrate Mother’s Day when you have no children and no mother?
Tag Archives: featured
A Repo, A Friend and The Beach
This could have been another sad moment in the saga of this repossession. A friend emphatically said, “No!”
Hollywood Arise and The Shift
There was a mission here. Something powerful and trans formative was happening here.
3 Things This Southern Girl Loves
Growing up in the south, you are taught the trinity of love: God, Family and Football. I think it all begins on the same Sunday you’re christened, surrounded by grandparents and second cousins twice removed. This event is followed by a lavish Sunday meal after which, the house is filled with screams of would beContinue reading “3 Things This Southern Girl Loves”
I Am An Actress!
I am an actress. Though the statement seems so simple, stating that fact, is not. I have run from this statement for decades. Yet, the farther I thought I ran, the closer God shoved me towards this admission. I toyed with the entertainment industry in obvious and subtle ways. In high school, I volunteered toContinue reading “I Am An Actress!”
People Make Prayer Too Complicated
I had a childhood friend whose house I loved going to for sleepovers because they had many things that my house didn’t. Their house had stairs and a view of the river. They had pets. There was a television in every room, including the kitchen! Their house also had a married mother and father whoContinue reading “People Make Prayer Too Complicated”