You ARE beautiful. You are beautiful because you were created beautifully.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Rent Trouble and Rest
How do I rest when I need $1500 in 4 days? God, what are you doing???
My New Year
It’s been a little over two months since the car repossession. I have told a few more people out of necessity. I am an official public transportation commuter. I was going to try shared riding but just can’t get past the idea of it basically being a ‘hitchhiking app.’ I have structured my days aroundContinue reading “My New Year”
A Repo, A Friend and The Beach
This could have been another sad moment in the saga of this repossession. A friend emphatically said, “No!”
It’s My Birthday!
On our personal new year, as I like to call it, most of us get calls, texts, posts, etc. I tend to be a bit cynical about Facebook birthday greetings, though I appreciate them nonetheless. The fact that a high school classmate who I haven’t spoken to in 20 years, could take 20 seconds toContinue reading “It’s My Birthday!”