My sister called this morning. Calls from her are few and far between. I share the same biological father with three sisters and a brother, but our mothers ensured we knew and loved each other. We have allowed time to put more distance than just miles between us. However, we still love one another deeply.Continue reading “Calling My Biological Father”
Author Archives: qraporterfield
Feeling Hopeless Waiting
I lost it. This is how the cycle started. God told me to do something crazy. I did it. There would be some positive results…but ultimately, I’m still waiting.
Worship God Through It
Noah’s act of worship in Genesis 8:18-21 teaches us how our worship is simply a gift we offer to the God we love. I am still fascinated by a young woman I saw while riding the bus a few years back. She didn’t notice me sneaking peaks at her. The bus was not too fullContinue reading “Worship God Through It”
Through The Storm
Inspired by Genesis 8:1-4 I fell hard last week.After sitting in a library, trying to help a little boy with his homework and losing patience, we got up to go to his next destination. The rain was steady all day. We made it to the library doors safely, through the showers, when we arrived. ByContinue reading “Through The Storm”
Forgive My Brother
Inspired by Genesis 42:8-25 True hatred usually stems from love betrayed. I learned this from my brother. I know only a few people in my life who believe I can do anything. My brother, ‘Cole’ is one of them. I often used to say, “I could tell my brother I was going to jump overContinue reading “Forgive My Brother”
Lessons From My Mother
Inspired by Genesis 27:5-17 I did not have a good relationship with my Mama. She was a great provider but, not too good of a nurturer. Our arguments were more like verbal archery contests where I was the board and her insults were the darts. Mama was a pretty good shot. In my book, IContinue reading “Lessons From My Mother”
Why I Couldn’t Help Someone I Loved
Sometimes God will send us on a journey alone. We are not meant to solve everyone’s problems. Only God can do that. It’s a hard lesson to learn but it’s for our good.
Finding God’s Light
My car shuts off when the speed goes over 45 miles per hour. I discovered this on a California freeway while driving to a beautiful cottage town for a much needed break and some undisturbed conversations with God. The destination changed quickly as I turned on the flashers and slowly pulled the car to theContinue reading “Finding God’s Light”
The Days of Depression
I’m tired. I’ve been fighting for so long and I’m tired. One of the hardest parts of this darkness is daily walking around in a world that doesn’t see it. They don’t see you. Part of their blindness is my own effort. I am skilled at smiling when the time comes. You give expected expressionsContinue reading “The Days of Depression”
Am I Depressed?
Lately, I’m noticing a familiar pattern. Ten years ago, I struggled with getting up in the morning. Getting dressed and fixing my hair seemed like pointless chores. My days were filled with watching TV reruns and YouTube videos. I went to work and came back feeling empty and defeated. If I didn’t have any jobs,Continue reading “Am I Depressed?”