Growing up in the south, you are taught the trinity of love: God, Family and Football. I think it all begins on the same Sunday you’re christened, surrounded by grandparents and second cousins twice removed. This event is followed by a lavish Sunday meal after which, the house is filled with screams of would beContinue reading “3 Things This Southern Girl Loves”
Author Archives: qraporterfield
I Am An Actress!
I am an actress. Though the statement seems so simple, stating that fact, is not. I have run from this statement for decades. Yet, the farther I thought I ran, the closer God shoved me towards this admission. I toyed with the entertainment industry in obvious and subtle ways. In high school, I volunteered toContinue reading “I Am An Actress!”
People Make Prayer Too Complicated
I had a childhood friend whose house I loved going to for sleepovers because they had many things that my house didn’t. Their house had stairs and a view of the river. They had pets. There was a television in every room, including the kitchen! Their house also had a married mother and father whoContinue reading “People Make Prayer Too Complicated”
Looking Up to Inch Ahead
Looking down can be discouraging but it can also be dangerous.
Gospel Music, Mainstream Awards
In mainstream awards…the winners tend to be names that reflect pop culture’s lack of knowledge about genres with smaller fan bases.
Gospel Music has Evolved…finally
The first and most important thing to know about my musical taste is that I do not and will not buy anything of any artist that I don’t believe I will listen to for life. Thus, my music collection is quite small. It consists mostly of my treasured but almost obsolete cassette tapes. I wasContinue reading “Gospel Music has Evolved…finally”
Love in Lamentations
I can’t pinpoint the exact day but I believe it was around my 2nd year in college when I fell completely, totally and madly in love. Our relationship has been quite tumultuous. There have been good years. There have been bad years. I’m quite sure I even fell out of love at one point. Today,Continue reading “Love in Lamentations”
Taking God’s Tests
As God takes you into new stages in life, he tests you to see if you learned from the old.
How I Overcame Church Scandals
Church members experience many feelings when their ministry goes through a public scandal.
The Watoto Children’s Chior & A Missions Lesson
How a concert changed my life and added to my purpose!