Death can be tragic, but it can also be an eye opener. Forget what I haven’t done. The vision is here…
Author Archives: qraporterfield
The Gift of Erica McCullough
I usually handle death pretty well. I firmly accept that it is an inevitable part of life. I can usually see or feel death coming in my bubble of friends, family or even close acquaintances. But, once in a while, I am caught off guard. Yesterday, was one of those days. If you are aContinue reading “The Gift of Erica McCullough”
Don’t Be Defeated by Disappointment
When my Carolina Panthers won the NFC Championship, I immediately tried to get a ticket home to Charlotte. I wanted to be around my family and friends to have the same excitement and exuberance I had watching the team 13 years ago. In February 2003, I lived in Charlotte, NC after migrating from South CarolinaContinue reading “Don’t Be Defeated by Disappointment”
Stripped Screws & Broken Hearts
This past summer took a toll on my relationship with God. I begged God for something that seemed fairly simple. I wanted to see my family, specifically, my niece and my new God-daughter. This meant a trip that I desperately needed for my sanity, my emotional stability and my faith. I needed a moment away fromContinue reading “Stripped Screws & Broken Hearts”
After a loss…
God has never made a mistake. I am a die-hard football fan. I love the game for many reasons, but mostly for its many parallels to life. That speech was made by my 2nd favorite player of all time, after the 2012 AFC Championship loss that sealed the Baltimore Ravens’ absence in the Super Bowl.Continue reading “After a loss…”
It’s My Birthday!
On our personal new year, as I like to call it, most of us get calls, texts, posts, etc. I tend to be a bit cynical about Facebook birthday greetings, though I appreciate them nonetheless. The fact that a high school classmate who I haven’t spoken to in 20 years, could take 20 seconds toContinue reading “It’s My Birthday!”